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  • Social Media Playbook to Make Tempus One the Best Spritzer in Australia

Social Media Playbook to Make Tempus One the Best Spritzer in Australia

Trying to sell a beverage of any sort you and want to know how you should be doing social media?

Lets dive into the playbook for how I would make Tempus One the best spritzer in Australia through content on social.

What are they currently doing ⬇️

Quick Analysis:

In their 15 most recent posts they have:

  • 7 Carousels (Multiple images in one post you swipe on)

  • 4 Single Images (Mostly product placement)

  • 4 Reels (Short form video)

These posts are around once per week.

The playbook for Tempus One to grow:

They only post around 1 / week → Needs to be once a day (at the minimum) → Top of the mind. Think about how long you spend on one individual post.

Now think of people in their young twenties.


People speed through content.

100+ minutes a day just on TikTok!

So when you say, ‘posting 3 times a day is excessive’

You’re wrong.

People will only start remembering you when you start posting 3 times a day.

Posting once per week. About 4 times per month. 52 times per year.

Now think of the volume of 3 post per day. 21 times per week. About 91 times per month. 1095 times per year.

With every post you get better. So if you get even 1% better each time think about it:

No need to do the math just look at this:

This is one of my favourite quotes and fits perfectly for this scenario ⬇️

Volume negates luck.

Alex Hormozi

Posting 1/week does not even compare to posting 3/day if you get 1% better each post.

The HOW:

Sounds like a lot of work.

Doesn’t need to be.

Bulk creating or batch filming is the meta. Same as buying from suppliers, bulk buying means cheaper per unit. Same as filming, but its time per piece of content.

You get the scripts ready, camera setup, connect the mic and get in the zone just to film one 60 second video, and then pack-up. Not efficient use of your time.

So bulk create.

Need ideas for your content share to one person and unlock below:

The purpose of their content needs to either:

  • Drive hype and awareness for a new drink flavour.

  • Bringing followers behind the scenes with Tempus One to build those cult like fans.

Some ideas taken from that list that could work for Tempus One.

  • 50 cans in an esky walk around and get people to try the drink. And ask what they think. Simple.

  • Imagine mobile beer pong and you go from party to party or something and you film it. Be creative. Be different and give people in real life an experience that benefits them. Film it. People see it. Wow feeling. I need that drink to get that feeling.

  • Walk around public where target market usually gathers. Ask what flavours they would want in a spritzer. Be fun. “Imagine if there were no limits… what flavour spritzer would you want? Lemon, Chocolate, Tomato sauce” (Be crazy different. This makes it shareable)

Process to make interview style content:

  1. You and another team member go out in public with your phone (You could buy a mic about $50-$150 - really recommend!)

  2. Film 10,20,50 interviews in one session. Couple hours max.

  3. Chop up the clip in free video editors (Capcut is good for social content)

  4. No need to be fancy video editing, just chop up each interview around 30-90 seconds and you can put captions on it - literally only takes ones click and the video editor does it for you.

  5. Schedule or just post manually 3 times a day.

  6. See what people like you talking about the most → Post more of that.

Improving Their Marketing Funnel:

They watch content and they like it.

What next?

Most social platforms you get a link in bio → people know if they want to buy or see more they will find this and click it.

When people click it they have intent to buy, see the product etc.

Not read a paragraph of text.

Copy improvements:

The Playbook For YOU:

  1. Analyse what you’re currently doing

  2. Cut out what people don’t want to see

  3. Increase volume of short-form video content

  4. Re-analyse, re-assess and increase volume of what is working